Friday, October 16, 2009

What Does Your Inner Voice Say To You At 6 AM?

What does your inner voice say to you at 6 am?
Listen closely. It could change your life.

I saw the sign for the 5K run on my gym wall just as I was leaving, feeling like I had spent another hour in my comfort zone walking on the treadmill to no results. Yes, my body was 2 years from my last pregnancy. Yes, I looked as if I should be toting around a newborn in an infant car seat!!! Yes, the usual voices chimed in my head of – ‘you are not a runner, you’ll look ridiculous’. For some reason, unbeknownst to me at the time, I grabbed the application and signed up.


I had recently started listening to the Self- Esteem downloads from medical intuitive and healer Caroline Myss on my ipod while walking at the beach -- standing in line at the bank -- before bed. Like a great book you can’t put down I didn’t want to stop listening to her deeply touching seminars on empowering the self. Just like our bodies, we need to work on our self-esteem. Caroline believes it is the spiritual core of everything we do in life.

Having Caroline's healing voice all to oneself is like having private therapy sessions whenever you need them without the hefty price tag.

The night before the race I was winding down from an incredibly hard day with two very cute but needy toddlers -- never ending housework (I swear more dishes magically appear as I finish the pile that is in the sink) -- preparing meals for the family -- driving to swim class and playdates and more playdates -- playing therapist to my mother -- playing nurse to sniffles and boo boo's…

I realized I had not had a single moment to myself. Does this sound familiar to you?

I spotted my race number under a pile of clothes in need of folding and immediately thought ‘There is no way I am getting up at 6 am to run a race’. I put my ear phones on and fell back into my pillow and Caroline Myss was speaking of “high voltage intuitive hits” and how they lead us out of our comfort zone and into the unknown as we deeply listen to our inner selves. I remembered that tiny voice in my head that made me grab the race application and sign up, an ‘intuitive hit’…

I woke up at 6 AM sharp and Caroline's voice was in my head, ‘you can do the unknown, survive the unknown. Your self-esteem is the manifestation of your spirit in action, in life’!!!

The starting gun sounded and something inside of me said just put one foot in front of the other and no matter what, no matter how slow you are, if you have to walk, get to that finish line. I did get there and I got there 10 more races this summer. Yes, I have run my first half marathon. Yes, I lost all of my baby weight without looking at a scale and while doing something that I loved. Yes, I found out that I am a runner. Yes, yes, yes. I did not walk; I ran into the unknown and found my true self.

I look forward to how Caroline’s work can help me unlock other areas of my life and improve my self-esteem.

In this column I will seek out the most inspiring and life transforming content and products to share with you from some of the world's top experts in everything from fitness & health to self growth to conquering your fear of flying. We at iAmplify want you to live your best life. Turn up the volume and amplify your true self to the world.

What are you waiting for? Let me know your ‘high voltage intuitive hit’ stories on this page.

We believe in you!

Ali M.

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